Thursday, February 25, 2010

WHY WOULD FISHER PRICE paint all those toys with lead base paint in the first place???

Fisher Price is recalling over a million toys painted with Lead Base paint. The toys were made in China.... Does Fisher Price, a most trusted name in toys, have no control over quality control...... ? It seems like they could have saved alot of grief just by checking on the paint ....WHY WOULD FISHER PRICE paint all those toys with lead base paint in the first place???
Profit, profit, profit. That's the 3 reasons that come to mind. Fisher price was NOT the manufacture of the toys and subbed it out to a third person contractor, as many things are brought into the US to save you and I money in the end, because we all want a good deal and to spend as little on something as we can. China is one of the worst in the world for green house emissions, worst in water pollution, worst in labor accidents.........but when you can have a product made for pennies, import it for a few more and then make dollars on it when you sell it, sometimes it's worth the risks. That's what you do as a company. After all, they are in it to make money.

I'm not defending them, mind you. sometimes even the pennies fall through the cracks.WHY WOULD FISHER PRICE paint all those toys with lead base paint in the first place???
Seems to me that Fisher Price should have supplied a safe paint for their cheap labor to use! If these big companies are going to out-source to other countries, especially poor ones, they should give them better supplies to use!

Fisher Price is at fault, not China!
If you read/listen to the news, Fisher Price has done several inspections. They do regular inspections. The company that made their toys changed the paint.

';Mattel says it is investigating why the manufacturer did not follow company rules and use paint ';from approved and certified suppliers,'; reports CBS News correspondent Sandra Hughes. ';

It is very difficult to keep a complete check on things, and they did find and are attempting to resolve the problem.
Thats what happens when you subcontract to the lowest competitive bid.

I am sure some checked it early on but how would you like to be the guy that tells his company they're gonna lose 30 million dollars.

I am sure he sent the memo up stairs.
Fisher Price only cares about giving your children lead poisoning. It should be a federal crime to use lead base paint. We need to shut down and outlaw Fisher Price, they are doing illegal things with lead base paint. Shame on them for not protecting our children. All they want is money and to have BIG PROFIT COMING IN.
While it is possible to micromanage everything it costs more to watch over everything then it does to fix a paint mix up. This is according to their lawyers and their risk management department.
Fisher-Price didn't...the chinese did...
Well, to be honest, everyone in our household grew up with lead based paint. We don't have any problems.

We've just got to start doing our own manufacturing again.
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